Barbican — The Adventures of Beau Bookbinding – London Bookbinding

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12 Rosebery Avenue
London EC1R 4TD
United Kingdom


London Bookbinding specialise in designing and creating bespoke books, custom portfolios, presentation boxes and specialty folders. By combining innovative design with detailed craftsmanship we succeed in making unique presentations and portfolios structures for discerning creative agencies, fine artists, architects, construction companies, designers and global brands across the world. Our work ranges from traditional structures to innovative and cutting edge solutions for pitch and proposals, tender submission and various presentation documents.

The Adventures of Beau Bookbinding

Filtering by Tag: Barbican

Beau Bookbinding at the Barbican..

Michaela MJCP

With a beautiful view of London I am about to indulge in a reading frenzy at the Barbican library. Reflective of its dramatic roots the Barbican’s library has a great collection of books specialising in the performing arts making this a fantastic resource for music, theatre and culture.

Having said that, the library is also a welcoming haven for all book lovers with a wonderful variety of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from. It was hard to choose what to read in this fantastic display of 60’s nostalgia books so I think I’ll have to sit back and enjoy some serious reading time.

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The tranquil reading environment is reason enough alone to visit the Barbican library – be sure to take advantage of London’s amazing resources. 

Barbican Centre
Silk Stree
London EC2Y 8DS